- Schedules & Deadlines
- Guides & Forms
- Banner Resources
- Payroll Stub & Tax Info
- Payroll Tools
- Payroll Tax Withholding Forms
- Human Resources
- psihon3安卓版
- Employment Information
- Net to Gross Calculator
- Net to Gross Calculator for FICA Exempt Students
- Associate VP for Admin & Finance
Payroll Services is committed to providing courteous, timely service to all employees and departments within the OSU system.
In an effort to respond more quickly, please submit forms and inquiries to OSU Payroll Services e-mail (payroll.services@okstate.edu). Responses to e-mails sent to an individual staff member may be delayed if they overlook the e-mail, have a heavier than usual workload or are not in the office at the time the e-mail is received. The OSU Payroll Services e-mail is monitored periodically throughout the day and e-mails are forwarded to the appropriate staff member based on knowledge and current workload.
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- Employee name on Banner (please do not use a nickname)
- Banner ID
- Position & Suffix
- Details of the issue
- Your phone number to call if an e-mail is not the best method to respond
- Preference of responding by e-mail or phone